5 ways to kiss period pain goodbye

Do you ever feel like if you had less frequent period pain (and hormonal chaos) — you could finally get your creative dreams on the roll?
If you’re a woman in your 20s or 30s and your period pain isn’t going away, I’ve got news for you.
Over 40% of women are feeling the same way as you!
The second bit of news.
Period pain does not have to be your status quo — and it certainly shouldn’t stop you from fulfilling your creative dreams.
When we’re in our adult menstrual years (21 – 35 years old), healthy periods means healthy hormones — and healthy hormones mean that we’re more likely to get out there and leave our creative mark on the world.
Are you with me?
So let’s get clear on what period pain really is.
Period pain is largely due to the overproduction of inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins. High levels of prostaglandins are produced in response to a thicker than normal uterine lining which is shed monthly during your period.
When the uterine lining is thicker than it’s supposed to be (due to excess circulating estrogen) this results in a lot more cramping, pain, and discomfort around day 1 of your period and can last for 3-5 days.
The best way to deal with period pain is to get to the root causes that are wreaking havoc to your cycle.
Here are 5 tips to help you finally kiss your period pain goodbye.
Ditch the coffee
CYP1A2 is a liver enzyme responsible for the metabolism of estrogens and caffeine.
If you’re an avid caffeine drinker and you have awful period pain there’s a good chance that your CY1A2 enzyme is being used up to metabolize caffeine and you may not be making enough of it to get rid of excess circulating estrogen. I recommend taking caffeine out of your diet for 3 months to see if it lessens your period pain.
Supplement with Magnesium
Studies show that supplementing with magnesium can reduce period pain. I recommend taking 300mg of magnesium bisglycinate daily throughout the month and increase your dose to 450mg daily during your premenstrual phase (7-10 days) before your period.
Go anti-inflammatory
Eat more anti-inflammatory foods to reduce inflammation in the body. Up your cruciferous vegetables and eat more organic proteins sources like chicken, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds. Eliminate excess or added sugars in your diet which contribute to inflammation.
Reduce your toxic load
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are environmental toxins that enter our bodies from our environment and food and they mimic our own estrogen —but with a much more potent effect. Exposure to herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, household cleaners, paints, stains, and cosmetics are sources of EDCs.
If you struggle with period pain, it may be time to lessen your body’s toxic load. Eat more organic produce and animal proteins. Choose natural household cleaners and cosmetics. Avoid pharmaceuticals and antibiotics when not necessary.
Consider your body composition
Women with higher body fat composition struggle with insulin resistance and hormonal chaos. Your painful periods may be telling you that you need to address your body composition and increase your lean muscle mass. Research has shown that when women change their body composition it can help with hormonal chaos and unwanted menstrual symptoms.
Now more than ever, we need healthy and resilient women to come alive and share their creative gifts with the world — whether that’s conceiving a baby or birthing a project, every woman has something to create.
Healthy hormones means you can better reclaim your creative femmehood.
I hope you’re on board lady!
Love & Ladyflow,
About the Author
Elaine Clark
Founder of LADYFLOW & Nutritionist